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THE UPANISHADS A one-volume abridgement translated & edited by SWAMI NIKHILANANDA
Other Religion Books
The Upanishads form the concluding portion & contain the essence of the Vedas, which are the Scriptures of the Hindu faith. They record the direct & immediate spiritual experience of the rishis, the seers of truth, & have been passed down orally through a succession of illumined teachers. They treat of the origin & destiny of the soul, the nature of the universe, & the nature of ultimate reality. What are often presented as theological dogmas are in this new translation considered living experiences available to all. The divinity of the soul, the oneness of humanity, & the indivisibility of the Godhead are discussed not as articles of faith, but as the truths of spiritual experiences. Schopenhauer once said: The Upanishads are the most rewarding & elevating reading possible in the world: they have been the solace of my life & will be that of my death. GENERAL INTRODUCTION:- THE VEDAS ARE… the basic scriptures of the Hindus & their highest authority in all matters pertaining to religion & philosophy. They are, moreover, the earliest extant Indo-Aryan literary monuments. The Hindus regard them as eternal, without beginning, without human authorship. The primary meaning of the word Veda is uncreated Knowledge, super-sensuous wisdom. The secondary reference is to the words in which that Knowledge is embodied. And so the term Veda denotes not only the religions & philosophical wisdom of India, but also the books in which the earliest utterances of that wisdom are preserved. The Hindus look upon these books with the highest reverence. They are known as the Word-Brahman, the Sabds-Brahma. Knowledge is of two kinds. The first is derived from the sense-organs & corroborated by varied evidence based upon the experiences of the sense-organs. This is the form of knowledge that falls within the scope of the physical sciences. The second, however, is transcendent & is realized through the mental & spiritual discipline of yoga. And this is the subject matter of the Vedas. According to Patanjali, the traditional master of the yoga doctrine, it is not the words of the Vedas that are eternal, but the Knowledge conveyed through them. This Knowledge, also called the Sphota, has existed always. At the conclusion of a cycle both the Sphota & the created universe in the undifferentiated causal state, & the beginning of the new cycle the two together again become manifest. The Lord brings forth the universe with the help of the Knowledge of the Vedas. He is the firet teacher of Vedic truth. Though the words may be different in different in different cycles, the ideas conveyed through them remain unalterable: no human intellect can interfere with them. THE FOUR STAGES:- The full life-period of an Indo-Aryan was divided into four stages, namely, brahmacharya, garhasthya, vanaprastha, & sannyasa. The first stage was devoted to study. The celibate led a life of chastity & austerity & served his teacher with humility. He learnt the Mantra & the Brahmana sections of the Vedas. And when he left the teacher’s house, after completing his studies, he was commanded not to deviate from truth & not to forget to persevere in the study of the Vedas. The second stage was devoted to household duties. The young man took a wife. Both together performed the Vedic sacrifice with the hymns of the Mantra & in accordance with the rules laid down in the Brahmana. The third stage commenced when the hair turned grey & the face began to wrinkle. The householder consigned the responsibility of the home to his children & retired with his wife into the forest. He was then known as a vanaprashthin or aranyaka, a forest-dweller. The Aranyaka portion of he Vedas prescribed for him sacrifice by meditation & symbolic worship.
110/=THE UPANISHADS A one-volume abridgement translated & edited by SWAMI NIKHILANANDA
Other Religion Books
The Upanishads form the concluding portion & contain the essence of the Vedas, which are the Scriptures of the Hindu faith. They record the direct & immediate spiritual experience of the rishis, the seers of truth, & have been passed down orally through a succession of illumined teachers. They treat of the origin & destiny of the soul, the nature of the universe, & the nature of ultimate reality. What are often presented as theological dogmas are in this new translation considered living experiences available to all. The divinity of the soul, the oneness of humanity, & the indivisibility of the Godhead are discussed not as articles of faith, but as the truths of spiritual experiences. Schopenhauer once said: The Upanishads are the most rewarding & elevating reading possible in the world: they have been the solace of my life & will be that of my death. GENERAL INTRODUCTION:- THE VEDAS ARE… the basic scriptures of the Hindus & their highest authority in all matters pertaining to religion & philosophy. They are, moreover, the earliest extant Indo-Aryan literary monuments. The Hindus regard them as eternal, without beginning, without human authorship. The primary meaning of the word Veda is uncreated Knowledge, super-sensuous wisdom. The secondary reference is to the words in which that Knowledge is embodied. And so the term Veda denotes not only the religions & philosophical wisdom of India, but also the books in which the earliest utterances of that wisdom are preserved. The Hindus look upon these books with the highest reverence. They are known as the Word-Brahman, the Sabds-Brahma. Knowledge is of two kinds. The first is derived from the sense-organs & corroborated by varied evidence based upon the experiences of the sense-organs. This is the form of knowledge that falls within the scope of the physical sciences. The second, however, is transcendent & is realized through the mental & spiritual discipline of yoga. And this is the subject matter of the Vedas. According to Patanjali, the traditional master of the yoga doctrine, it is not the words of the Vedas that are eternal, but the Knowledge conveyed through them. This Knowledge, also called the Sphota, has existed always. At the conclusion of a cycle both the Sphota & the created universe in the undifferentiated causal state, & the beginning of the new cycle the two together again become manifest. The Lord brings forth the universe with the help of the Knowledge of the Vedas. He is the firet teacher of Vedic truth. Though the words may be different in different in different cycles, the ideas conveyed through them remain unalterable: no human intellect can interfere with them.
Other Religion Books
The Vibrating Universe synthesizes the superstring of modern physics & the vibration concept of Advaita Vedanata & Kashmiri Saivism. The philosophical problem of monism versus pluralism, as given in Indian philosophy, Weatern philosophy & classical as well as modern science, has been analytically presented. In this attempt, dualism & pluralism have been rejected, & non-dualism has been re-ertablished. A vibration theory has been successfully brought out with a fusion of the doctrines of the Vedantic vibration, the Saiva vibration & the superstring vibrationof modern physics. A confluence of the concepts of the non-dualistic Vedanta, Kashmiri Saiva monism, cosmology, astrophysics, superstring theory, relativity theory & quantum mechanics is clearly visible in the book. As the vibrations of a violin string produce multiplicity of musical notes, so does the superstring that vibrates & thereby generates the apparent plurality of the universe. The Reality is one & only one that always remains unmanifested & unperceived, although not unexperienced. The power of the Reality manifests through the plurality of the phenomenal universe—Maya or Prakrti is constituted of three strings (sattva, rajas & tamas) that vibrate to produce the pluralistic, phenomenal universe.
Other Religion Books
The Vibrating Universe synthesizes the superstring theory of modern physics & the vibration concept of Advaita Vedanta & Kashmiri Saivism. The philosophical problem, as monism uersus pluralism, as given in Indian philosophy as well as modern science, has been analytically presented. In this attempt, dualism & pluralism have been rejected, & non-dualism has been re-established. A vibration theory has been successflly brought out with a fusion of the doctrines of the Vedantic vibration, the Saiva vibration & the superstring vibrates modern physice. A confluence of the concepts of the non-dualistic Vedanta, astrophysics, superstring theory, relativity theory & quantum mechanics is clearly visible in the book. As the vibrations of a violin string produce multiplicity of musical notes, so does the superstring that vibrates & thereby generates the apparent plurality of the universe. The Reality is one & only that always remains unmanifested & unperceived, although not unexperienced. The power of the Reality manifests through the plurality of the phenomenal universe—Maya or Prakrti is constiuted of three strings (sattua,rajas & tamas) that vibrate to produce the pluralistic universe.
Other Religion Books
The Vibrating Uniuerse synthesizes the superstring theory of modren physics & the vibration concept of Advaita Vedanta & Kashmiri Saivism. The philosophical problem of monism uersus pluralism, as given in Indian philosophy, Western philosophy & classical as well as modern science, has been analytically presented. In this attempt, dualism & pluralism have been rejected, & non-dualism has been re-established. In this attempt, dualism & pluralism have been rejected, & non-dualism has been re-established. A vibration theory has been successfully brought out with a fusion of the doctrines of the Vedantic vibration, the Saiva vibration & the Superstring vibration of moderm physics. A confluence of the concepts of the non-dualistic Vedanta, Kashmiri Saiva monism, cosmology, astropysics, superstring theory, relativity theory & quantum mechanics is clearly visible in the book. As the vibrations of a violin string produce multiplicity of musical notes, so does the superstring that vibrates & thereby generates the apparent plurality of the universe. The Reality is one & only one that always remains unmanifested & unperceived, although not unexperienced. The power of the Reality manifests throgh the plurality of the phenomenal universe—Maya or Prakrti is consituted of three strings (sattua,rajas & tamas) that vibrate to produce the pluralistic, phenomenal universe.
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