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KALI:- The Supreme Consciousness is the One Reality Eternal. At first it becomes conscious of itself, holds all in itself, in essence without reference to time. The creation starts with the extension of this Timeless Spirit to being out what is all along implied in it. This self-extension of the Supreme, this objectivisation from the subjective initial state, measured by movement & event, we call Time, kala. This Time assumes a triple status tredha nidadhe padam for creation & the created beings have the relative experience of Time as past, present & future. The experience is relative because past is what was present once, present is what was future before & future is what will become present & then past after a time. Thus there is a continuous movement, a Time-sequence which is an infinite continuum of apparently definite parts. And these parts, definite demarcations in the progression of successive development are the characteristics of Time. To this characteristic, we give name Death. That is why, in the Sanskrit language Death also is denoted by the name Kala. The Lord of Death is known as yama, the restrainer, as he restrains the continuous movement in Time, as antaka or kitanta one who makes the termination, as dharma the law this mutable creation TARA:- The second of the Maha Vidyas is Tara. From a comparative study of Tantric books on Tara & the Buddhistic & Jaina literature, some scholars have advanced the theory that Goddess Tara is a late & subsequent addition to the Tanteic pantheon & her worship has become prevalent in this land only after the advent of Buddhism & Jainism. TRIPRASUNDRI:- The Tantra conceives the Supreme in its dual poise of prakasa & vimarsa. The Supreme as the Transcendent Absolute is the essential effulgence, prakasa. When it is self-moved to manifest something of it, there is a deliberation, vimarsa, on itself. This deliberation takes the form of an impulsion, an urge, a desire kama. Desire comes about by a division in the being & it is a portion or a digit, kala. This digit of desire of the Supreme, kamakala, is the great Goddess Tripurasundari, the third of the Dasa Maha Vidyas.