Krishna life & song of the blue god (Ramesh menon)
Shrimad Bhagwad Gita
Purusha Dharmakshetre kurukshetre………. “Look Arjun, the Kuru armies!” Once, as dawn flushed over the horizon, spilling on to a great battlefield, a Blue God reined in a brilliant chariot there, yoked to steeds like moonbeams. In it rode the finest warrior of the time. On the crach of two ages, between two matchless armies, he reined in the chariot that flew the crest of Hanuman flapping in an expectant wind. On kurukshetra, field of the Kurus, field of truth, he drove Arjuna in the Pandava’s chariot on the brink of the war that would destroy the race of kings forever. The God knew his lonliest hour had . for this hour during the limbo, the yuguasandhi between the dying & the unborn age, he, dark Lotus of the world, had been born. He know this hour would transform the heart of the dreaming, myth-making earth; & it would change him as well in subtle, in his horses. He saw anxiety coil round the Pandava, making him sigh. Krishna said, “Look Arjuna, the Kuru armies!” Ssddenly Arjuna knew why he trembled. He did not see enemies before him, but his family. He saw fathers & grandfathers, masters, uncles, consins, nephews & friends. PURUSHA Yethanna hanthum ichchami…. :- Krishna, even if they want to kill me, how can I think of harming them? I don’t want this terrible war if it were for the throne of the three worlds. How shall I fight my cousins for an earthly kingdom? “How can I dream of being happy by killing Dhritarashtra;s sons? They may be the most monstrous men. But if I kill them I shall be worse than they are, my sin worse than any of theirs. How can I dare spill the same blood that flows in their bodies & mine? ” “Even if they are blind with greed & see no evil in murdering kinsmen, no crime in betraying childhood frieds, shouldn’t we who know the sin in this hideous thing, shun it?” Arjuna’s eyes burned with anxiety; he was carried away by the frenzy of what he was saying. Krishna tried to find strength to combat the evil that clutched at his heart. He reached into himself, deep within, but his divinty had deserted him. Mahabharata Sarvaguhyataman bhuyah….. “Now you know the wisdom that is the secret of secrets. Think carefully on it, & then do as you decide. These are my last words to you for, the deepest of truths. You are the friend I chose & love, & I speak for your good,” said Krishna, infinite tenderness welling in him. {RUPA & Co}