Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Pramhansa Yogananda
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This book is a delightful and absorbing biography written from the author's unique perspective as ayounger brother of Paramahansa Yogananda, whom he affectionately called ''Mejda''-the Bengali term for one's second eldest brother. It provides an intimate account of the early years of one of the great spiritual leaders of our time.
Introduction :- I began meditating nearly fifty years ago, in 1948. Since then I haven’t, to the best of my recollection, missed a single day of practice. No stern-minded self-discipline was needed to keep me regular. Meditation is simply the most meaningful activity in my life—indeed, the most meaningful activity I can imagine. I seriously wonder how people live without it. Meditation gives meaning to everything one does. As India’s beat-known scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, states, “To the peaceless person, how is happiness possible?” Inner peace is like lubricating oil: It enables the machinery of our lives to function smoothly. Without mental peace, our emotions, and the various demands placed upon us in our lives, grind together and inner stress, leading eventually to some kind of physical or nervous breakdown. Psychometric studies have shown that meditation produces a healthy ego, that it expands a person’s world vies and enables people to cope better with the stresses of life. Meditators, in addition, have shown significant gains in overcoming depression, neurotic, and feelings of social inadequacy. Meditation develops concentration, so essential for success in every activity. Often I have found, by meditation-induced concentration, that I can accomplish in an afternoon others have required days or even weeks to complete. In three days, some years ago, I wrote melodies for eighteen of Shakespeare’s lyrics; in a single day, more recently, twenty-one of the thirty-three melodies for my oratorio, Christ Lives, which has had hundreds of performances in America and in Europe. In one day, recently, I wrote thirty-one melodies for an audiotape of my mini-book Secrets of Happiness; and in one day also, my entire book Do It NOW!, which has a different saying for every day of the year. (I did need a month, later, to edit the book for publication.) Before taking up meditation, I would sometime stare at a page for days before I could write down a single word. Even then, I doubted whether what I’d written was what I really wanted to say. Inspiration, which many highly creative people consider out of their hands, can be summoned at will by one-pointed concentration, and by magnetizing the flow of thoughts and ideas in meditation.Physical fatigue can be banished also, by putting ourselves in tune with inner abundance, flowing to us from infinity. The deeper this attunement, through meditation, the greater the abundance we experience in every aspect of our lives. It was from a great master of yoga, Paramhansa Yogananda, that I learned the art and science of meditation. I read his Autobiography of a yogi* in 1948, and was so moved by it that I took the next bus from New York City to Los Angeles, where he had his headquarters. The day I met him, he accepted me as a disciple, and I lived with him as a monk for the remaining three and a half years of his life. I have been his disciple ever since. The path of yoga that he taught was not that of the physical postures of hatha yoga, but the ancient meditative path of raja yoga. Of raja yoga, the highest teachnique, mentioned in several places in his autobiography, is kriya yoga. This present volume is based on the ancient raja yoga traditions and on his teachings. It serves as a preparation also for kriya yoga initiation. My own spiritual name, by which I am known in many spiritual circles, is Kriyananda, meaning “divine bliss though kriya yoga. The teaching of raja yoga are the best guide to meditation that I know. They are completely non-sectarian, and can be practiced with equal effectiveness by anyone regardless of that person’s religious affiliation or lack of affiliation. The goal of these teachings is super conscious realization: the realization of who and what you are in your highest, spiritual reality. It is, as you can see, a very personal goal for each seeker. I have therefore tried to explain it in a spirit of humble respect for your own deepest spiritual needs.
Paramhansa Yogananda was the first yogi master of India whose mission it was to live and teach in the West . In the 1920s, as he criss-crossed the United States on what he called his ''spiritual campaigns'' his enthusisastic audiences filled the largest halls of America.
This is an unparalleled firsthand account of Paramhansa Yogananda and his teaching withen by of his closet disciples. known and universaiiy respected spiritual masters. His Autobiography of a Yogi has helped stimulate a spiritual renaissance in his native land.
He (Yogananda) was realistic, and worked with the world as it is, and with people as they are. He had not been sent to serve a society of monks or hermits. thje world he served included people at every stage of life. His mission, in fact, was to uplift society as a whole, and not only a handful of disciples...He saw it as his mission to help all who humbly asked for help in their divine quest.
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