Maa Anandmayi's book collection
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In these discussions, Krishnamurti goes deeply into the question of human problems, drawing, in the process, amost interesting distinction between the 'professional' and the 'human being'.He aske whether we do not regard ourselves as professionals first and as humanbeings afterwards.
Introspection & awareness are entirely different. Introspection leads to frustration, to further conflict, for in it is implied the desire for change, & change is merely a modified continuity. Awareness is a state in which there is no condemnation, no justification or identification, & therefore there is understanding...Introspection, which is a form of self-improvement, of self-expansion, can never lead to truth, because it is always a process of self-enclosure; whereas awareness is a state in which truth can come into being truth of whot is, the simple truth of daily existence. It is only when we understand the truth of daily existence that ew can go far.--- J.Krishnsmurti.
THE present-day civilization, with its clear accent on science and technology, has displayed a str-ange spectacle of tragic failures in the midst of glorious achievements.It is hardly necessary to recount the achievements of modern science and technology.They proclaim their existence so loudly and so persistently that none can fail to recognise their power and influence on the day-to day livjng of the modern man.
The book contemplates our search for sacred. ‘Sometimes you think life is mechanical, & at other times when there is sorrow & confusion, you revert to faith, looking to a supreme being for guidance & help.’ Krishnamurti explores fully the futility of seeking knowledge of the ‘unknowable’ & shows that it is only when we have ceased seeking with our intellects that we may be ‘radically free’ to experience Reality, Truth, or bliss. He presents the ‘religious mind’ as one that directly perceives the sacred rather than adhering to religious dogma.
This book presents the oral teachings of the twentieth century’s great Kashmir Shaivite master. The last of his long lineage,Swami Lakshmanjoo preserved, as did his perdecessors, the pral knowledge that illuminates this ancient philosophy—that clarifies the often deliberately obscure tantric texts. Swami lakshmanjoo reveals the essence of the way & the means to self realization. Here in his own original discourese, as well as his English renderings of Abhinavagupta & Kshemaraja, he unveils the essential teachings of this yoga philosophy. Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals the tantric understanding of the purpose & reason for creation. He offers instruction on the greatness & importance of the supreme mantra sauh. In his presention of effective practice, he explains why meditation is both effortless &, at the same time, difficult. In his discussion of discipline he clarifies why personal habits habits & dispositions of discipline he clarifies why personal habits & dispositions play an important part in spiritual growth. Finally, in his unveiling of the path of Kundalini yoga, he is intent on exposing & thereby preserving this hidden elevated process while warning of its pitfalls.
Kashmir Saivism is a magnificent system of spiriuality which, since its inception, has emphasized not only the understanding of its concepts but the direct realization of its truth. According to its devotees, truth connot be grasped by mere intellect; can only be apprehended through direct experience. Because Kashmir Saivismregards itself as a practical syatem of spiritual realization, it has come to place great emphasison its oral tradition, preserving, presrving &passing on the understanding that is indispensable as aguide to the direct, living apprehension of its truth.
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