Swami Rama
240/= & U.S.A $15.95
You can live a healthy & happy life, provided you understand that happiness is of your own crea-tion. The Art of Joyful Living is a manual for learning how to be happy here & now. Whether you are on a spiritual quest or are simply looking for a way to improve your life, The Art of Joyful living offers a simple philosophy of living & practical suggestions for being happy. Swa-mi Rama shows how to maintain a joyful view of life even in difficult times. He gives methods for transforming habit patterns, devloping intuition, cultivating strength & willpower, maintaining loving relationships, & more. His insight into the human mind & heart makes this book a source of inspiration for anyone looking to live a healthier, happier life. this revised edition contains a new forword by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait Ph.D.