The PHILOSOPHY of SADHANA with special to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir (Deba Brata Sen Sharma)
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The Metaphysics of the Trika School**************** THE HIGHEST REALITY:- in the Trika system is the Supreme Experiencing Principle (Parasamvit), that is of the nature of Pure Consciousness (suddha-cit-svabhava). It is by its very nature eternal immutable,& infinite. Thogh it is eternal and immutable, it underlies, as the innermost & true Self,1 every manifestation in the universe, both individually & collectively, & hence in that all-pervasive or cosmic aspect, it is called the Atman and the Caitanya.2 At the same time, the Parasamvit is one, indivisible, and infinite. It is not exhausted by its innumerable & diverse manifestations in the universe, nor is limite3d or conditioned by space (desa), time (kala), or form (rupa). It transcends all, & is beyond all; and hence in that all-transcending aspect, it is called the Supreme Consciousness (Paracit or Parasamvit), the Tattvatita, the Absolute, the Aunttara.3 The Parasamvit or Caitanya thus has a two-fold nature4—as the underlying reality of everything & all. It is the all-pervasive & all-inclusive cosmic Reality, the Universal Consciousness. At the same time it is also the all-trascending Supreme Reality, the Absolute Being. The Origin & Nature of Man*********************** THE INDIVIDUAL BEING, who in his present from is called the human being, is said to be not only nondifferent from the Suprme Being, Parama Siva,1 but is also regarded in the Trika system as being a self-limited & self-contracted (svasankocita) form2 of him.The reason for such a view is not difficult to find. In the foregoing chapter we have indicated that the Parama Siva is, by his very nature, free & independent (svatantrah) as the Supreme Lord; and it is he who reveals himself out of his free independent will as the universe (visva). Since the manifestation of limited subjects & their objects of experience (pramata & prameya) in the different levels of creation, it is said that the Parama Siva, conceling his real nature, assumes diverse forms & makes himself appear as the countless number of pramatas & prameyas3 in creation. The Status of Man in Creation********************** IN THE FOREGOING:- chapter we observed that the creation of the universe, according to the Trika system, is only a process of parama Siva’s self-revelation in the immanent aspect. Its revelation begins (in the logical sense) with the manifestation of sada siva tatva, which is held to be the highest stage of creation, & culminates with the manifestation of prthvi tattva, the lowest & grossest of all. Broadly speaking, the entire creation (srsti) is said to have two “planes” (bhumi) of manifeatation, teanically called the adhvas (lit., ways or orders), viz., the suddha adhva (Pure Order) asudgha adhva (Impure Order).1 The creation beyoun the level of mayatattva, instituted by five pure tattvas (siva tattva, sakti tattva, sada siva tattva, isvara tattva, & suddha vidhya tattva), forms this higher order, which is known as the suddha adhva.2 The manifestation of this adhva is said to be brought about directly by the Supreme Lord (Paramesvara) himself who is its controller & governor (karta).3 The experiencers or subjects (pramata), who are none but diverse froms of parama siva himself4 residing in the different levels of pure creation, are teachnically called the pure pramatas (pure experiencers).