Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Pramhansa Yogananda
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“She is of God, & God is with ber.”—Sri sri Paramahansa Yoganaanda “God Alone” was the motto & lifelong ideal of Sri Gyanamata, one of the most spiritually advanced disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda. After her passing, he said, “A great saint has gone away…. But she has left spiritual footprints here forever.” Her letters (over a hundred of which appear in this book) reflect the luminous wisdom & pure insight of one who has truly lived for God alone. Whether writing on the ways of realizing God’s presence or the right attitude toward spiritual discipline, the tests of faith or the tests of physical suffering, her words reveal the essential truth or lesson in each circumstance. To read her letters is to experience something of that clarity of vision, that unity of heart & intellect, which is known to all those who possess true wisdom but which few have put into words so compellingly. In addition to Gyanamata’s letters, God Alone contains a detailed account of her life; letters written to her from Paramahansa Yogananda & others who knew her; excerpts from her personal diary; & numerous photographs. An inspiring portrait of an illumined saint of modern times, it is also a legacy of her invaluable counsel—“spiritual footprints” left by her for all who seek to know the meaning of life & the reality of God’s love.
THE BHAGAVAD GITA IS THE MOST beloved scripture of India, a scripture of scriptures. It is the Hindu's Holy Testament, or Bible, the one book that all masters depend upon as a supreme source of scriptural authority Bhagavad Gita means ''song of the Spirit,'' the divine communion of truth-realization between man and his Creator, the teachings of Spirit through the soul that should be sung unceasingly.
Vol.1&2.Rs 375/=
The most important condition for lasting gappiness is even-mindedness. Remain ever calmly centered in the Self ,within. As a child's send castle disntegrates before invading waves, so does a restless mind, lacking strength of will and perseverance to the pounding it receives from the waves of changing circumstance.
In there a power that can reveal hidden veins of riches and uncover treasures of which we have never dreamer? Is there aforce that we can call upon to give health, happiness, and spiritual enlightenment? The saints and sages of India taught that there is such a power. They uncovered truths that we have overlooked or forgotten, and thesetruths will work for you, too, if you give them a fair rtial.
Discovering the gifts of the soul.............''Self-realization is the knowing-in body, mind, and soul -that we are one with the omnipresence of God: that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God's omnipresence is our omnipresence: that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our Knowing.''
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