Maa Anandmayi's book collection
Maa Anandmayi's English Books
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The manifestation of the Divine as Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee is unique and unparalleled in the spirrtual histiry of the word. the most exalted spirotual leaders and mahatmas came to Her during Her lifetime and acknowledged Her Supreme Divinity.
Reading of hearing about the Divine Mother, Shree Shree Anandamayee Ma, is a joy itself. Many devorees & eminent persons have writtenabout their experiences of Ma. Each author brought out some aspect of Ma & Her Leela in this world as noticed by them. Sometime, I wondered whether I should also write about Ma & pur expe-riences of Ma’s grace. Idid not come to any definite conclusion because Ma says one should concentrate on Sadhana to the best of one’s ability.
Lead me from the unreal to the real, Lead me from darlness to Light, Lead me from death to Immortality. (Upanishad). The vision which haunted the Sages of the Upanishads through the haze of the dim past is found to overshadow Indian thought to this day. The race of those immortal thinkers is not yet completely extinct. To those who have come in touch with the mystic Sage—Ma Anandamayi—of India, the Truth of the Upanishads in all its pristine glory. We have claimed Ma Anandamayi to be in the line of thouse great Upanishadic sages. But why are we, in our review of the life-story of the great mystic sage, reminded of the Upanishads again & again? What do the Upanishads signify? The Puanishads have been beautifully described by Juan Mascaro as “The Himalayas of the soul”. Schopenhauer’ eulogy is well known. “In the world”, said he “there is no study so beneficial, so elevating as the study of the Upanishads; it has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of my death.” In fact, the Upanishad is regarded as the magnum matrix in Indian life & thought. The Upanishad means inner knowledge, that secret or esoteric knowledge which is a means to the realization of the Ultimate.
Memories Of Hari Ram Joshi
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