Maa Anandmayi's book collection
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PATANJALI refers to his yoga as ''Kriya Yoga'': the ''yoga of action with awareness''. His Yoga-Sutras are universally considered to be among the two or three most important texts in the field of yoga.
India is the home of philosophy, religion & spirituality. It is the birthplace of some of the most renowned religions of the world which spoke of the purpose of life & of God in different languages & showed various paths to salvation. A few non-Inidan religions which entered India at various points of history brought in a new line of thought & significant contribution to the enrichment of spiritual environments. In the midst of growing number of religions, India produced spiritual masters of exceptionally high order who proclaimed that all religions were true, if followed in the right & that they all lead to the same goal. “Major Religions in India” given a thumb-nail sketch of the origin, growth, beliefs, scriptures, shrines, traditions & practices of SIX major religions, namely, HINDUISM: The religions of infinite abaptabillty & diversity. ISLAM: The religion of submission to God. CHRISTIANITY: The religion of the fatherhood of God & the brotherhood of man. SIKHISM: The religion of the divine grace, harmony & sacrifice. JAINISM: The religion of asceticism. BUDDHISM: The religion of peaceful, ethical self-culture. The book is informative. It brings out positive aspects of these religions with a view to promoting among their followers & others a respect for & an understanding of each other’s faith. The most dominant religion in India today is Hinduism. It is also the most ancient of living religions of the world having its origin in pre-historic times. About 80.5% of Indians are Hindism. Around 500 BC two other religions developed in India, namely, Buddhosm & Jainism. Today about 040% of Indians are Jaini & about 067% are Buddism. Buddism spread not only within the Indian sub-continent but also to kingdoms east & south of India. One comparativly new religion in India is Sikhism which was estalished in the 15th century. About 1.84% of Indians are Sikhs.
The Art & Science of Raja Yoga contains fourtee lessons in which the original yoga science emerges in all of its glory- a proven system for realizing one's spiritual destiny. This is the most comprehensive course understanding of how to apply these age-old teachings; on apractical, day-to-day level in this moderm age.
This book was written by me in Ahmadnagar Fort prison during the five months, April to September 1944. Some of my colleagues in prison were good enough to read the manuscript & m-ake a number of valuable suggestions. On revising the book on prison I took advantage of these s-uggestions & made some additions. On one, Ineek hardly add, is responsible for what I have writt-en or necessarily agrees with it. But I must express my deep gratitude to my fellow-prisoners in Ahmadnagar Fort for the unnumerable talks & discussions we had, which helped me greatly to c-lear my own mind about various aspects of Indian history & culture. Prison is not a pleasant place to live in even for a short perion, much less for long years. But it was a privilege for me to live in close contact with men of outstanding ability & culture & a widehuman outlook which even the passions of the moment did not obscure.
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