HINDU MIND Fundamentals of Hindu Rrligion & Philosophy for All Ages (by BANSI PANDIT)
Himduism is the oldest surviving religion in the world. The religious & philosophical literature of Hin-duism is vast diverse & covers thousands of years of accumulated spiritual experiences of Hindu Saints & Seers. This book presents the fundamentals Hindu reilgious & philosophical thought in a l-ogical & straightforward manner. The purpose being, to create a stroy book for further stody of hinduism. Hinduism, the religion of Hinduism (originally known as Sanatana Dharma), is the oldest surviving religion in the world. Unlike other religions of the world, Hinduism did not originate from a single person, a single book, ro at a single point in time. The religions & philosophical literature of Hindu r-eligion is vast, diverse, & covers thousandsof years of accumulated spiriual experiences of a lar-ge number of Hnidu sages & saints. Therefore, it is difficult, almost impossible, for a beginner to k-now where to star to learn about Hindu religion without screening volumes of literature.