The Development of Nimsar as Naimisharanya :-What is dharma? Those actions which are conducive to attaining to Him who is desirable for everyone. This is also the natural way of life. (Sri Ma Anandamayee) Sri Ma Anandamayi had visited Nimsar many time during her travels. Nimsar was a small town near Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh. Nimsar was a place of great sanctity because it is the holy site of the original discourses given on the eighteen compiled by Maharshi Vyasa. Thousands of sages had assembled here to perform yajnas and listen to the Puranas, narrated by eminent spcakers. A few of Sri Ma’s close companions became aware of her kheyala for a suitable function at Nimsar which would give it some recognition as hallowed ground. It was decided that the annual Samyam of 1960 would be celebrated at Nimsar. Not only the Saptah but after in an ambitious scheme for holding not one but 108 Bhagavat Saptahs was mooted and daringly decided upon. The devotees were confident that Sri Ma’s kheyala would see them through as always. A Special Shivaratri at Baghat House************** How much more time will you spend in a wayside inn? Don’t you want to go home? How exquisite it all is! One in one’s own self. The wanderer, the exile, the home coming and the home…… Oneself is all that exists….. Sri Ma Anandamayi…………………………… Agarpara Ashram wore a festive look. Sri Ma Anandamayi sat out in the hall in the evening. It was noticed by her close companshing of the radiance of her countenance. The crowds milling round her therefore were not aware of her indisposition. Didi was concerned but Sri Ma Anandamayi smiled and said. “It is the body only which is showing these signs of discomfort. It does not matter; I am as I am. “Didi, of course, knew this and could only pray for the kheyala for her own recovery. Agarpara Ashram celebrated a few religious rites. Chhabi Banerji and Utpala Sen sang kirtans and bhajans to make the occasions memorable for everyone. Too soon it was time for the break-up the joyous company. Sri Ma travelled back to Varanasi to be present on the oceasion of the 11th anniversary of the Savitri Yajna. Markell Brooks and her friend Mukti came from America to spends a few days with Sri Ma. She at this time was expected in Allahabad. Markell and Mukti were accommodated in Sri Ma Anandamayi’s car for the drive to Allahabad from Varanasi. Markell recalled that Sri Ma chatted in a friendly manner with the driver all the while. Sometimes she would look back at them to talk also. The driver Bindu, who had come to fetch Sri Anandamayi Ma, translated for them. Sri Ma Anandamayi In Bangalore And In Shuktal*** “Sri S.R. Das was first introduced to Sri Ma as the brother of N.R. Das, whom she already knew well. Sri Ma said, “Brother! Brother…. Brother… all are brother!”-- Sri Ma Anandamayi In Bangalore Sri Ma met many of her well-known devotees as well as newcomers. She sat in satsangs and answered questions quite often. She was asked, “How to know God?”