THE BHAGAVAD GITA (With Text, Translation & Commentary in the Words of SRI AUROBINDO)

Shree Aurbindo

It may therefore be useful in approaching an ancient Scripture, such as the Veda, Upanishads or Gita, to indicate precisely the spirit in which we approach it & what exactly we think we may der-ive from it that is of value to humanity & its future. First of all, there is undoubtedly a Truth one & eternal which we are seeking, from which all other truth derives, by the libht of which all other tr-uth finds its right place, explanation & relation to the scheme of knowledge. But precisely for that reason it cannot be shut up in a single trenchant formula, it is not likely to be found in its entirety or in all its bearings in any sinhle philosophy or Scripture or uttered altogether & for ever by any one teacher, thinker, prophet or Avatar.