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YOGA AND PHILOSOPHIES - Maa anandmayi's collection of books


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  • A HISTORY OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY (Surendranath Dasgupta)


    Sacrifice; the First Rudiments of the Law of Karma. It will howener be wrong to suppose that these monotheistic tendencies were gradually supplanting the polytheistic sacrifices. On the other hand, the complications of ritualism were gradually growing in their elaborate deails. The direct result of this growth contributed however to relegate the gods to a relatively unimportant position, & to raise the dignity of the magical characteristice of the sacrifice as an institution which could give the desired fruits of themselves. The offerings at a sacrings at a sacrifice were not dictated by a devotion with which we are familiar under Christianor Vaisnava influence.
    5 Books Set Rs 1500/=
  • A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga & Kriya (Swami Satyananda Saraswati)


    Introduction:- This book & depth of knowledge it contains provides the link between you, the practitioner of yoga, & an experienced guide & teacher. This link is your sadhana (spiritual practice), the beginning of your inner transformation, spiritual awakening & realization of higher ideals in life. The techniques covered in this book have their basis in the ancient Vedic (tantric & yogic) shastras & were handed down over the centuries from to disciple until they reached the late great Swami Sivananda Saraswati of Rishikesh, who further possed them on to his disciple, Swami Satyananda. Now in an age when travel & communication have become almost instantaneous affairs & there are more efficient methods of dissemination wisdom than the human voice & ear, we wish to offer these transcendental instruments of grace to all who have eyes to read & ears to hear. The original text was compiled from teachings given by Swami Satyananda to his closest disciples for the ultimate benefit of mankind. According to tradition of the practices of yoga, especially the advanced practices of kriya yoga, were kept secret & passed on by word of mouth only between guru & disciple. However, modern man in his intense search for an underlying meaning in life has now come to a point of evolution where he is ready to integrate the practices of yoga both physically & spiritually. There is more guidance available also to help him understand & practice the more advanced techniques. This book is our effort to keep this valuable tradition alive & to spread the message of yoga further into homes & into your inner being. It is a complete work on yoga — a complete course in the practices of integral yoga. It presents a synthesis of the various paths of yoga in a scientific & systematic manner to ensure the harmonious development & unfoldment of every aspect of the individual. The different branches – hatha yoga, raja yoga, mantra yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga & kriya yoga—are progressively introduced with special emphasis on practice & application in day life. Through the practice of integral yoga this book aims to develop in the aspirant a state of prefect body health, peace of mind & mental stability, perfect intellectual clarity & higher spiritual knowledge & awareness, a state where one is both usful to himself & to mankind. It contains the essence of Swami Satyananda’s teaching & in this respect is an ideal single source of information for both teachers & students alike. We have tried to present the book in such a way as to lead one gradually & progressively through the practices as if learning directly from a devoted teacher. If your approach is sincere & you follow your program regularly, the benefits will unfold themselves into all the different aspects of your life. There are three main parts, divided into thirty-six lessons, containing various topics on both the theoretical & practical aspects of yoga, & eventually a full exposition of the ancient system of kriya yoga. The first book of practices for beginners is systematically prepare the mind & body for the more advanced practices in Book II and eventually to the higher practices of kriya yoga in Book III. The ultimate aim to progressively lead you step by step through the different techniques so that by the end of this sadhana course you will have an integrated approach & a full theoretical understanding of kriya yoga, as well as many other facets of yoga.
  • ANATOMY OF HATHA YOGA (A Manual for Students, Teachers, & Practitioners) By H. David Coulter


    INTRODUCTION:- A comprehensive statement on the anatomy and physiology of hatha yoga ought to have written years ago. But it hasn’t happened, and my aim is to remedy the deficiency. After considering the subject for twenty-five years, it’s clear that such a work might well interweave two themes: for the benefit of completeness, a traditional, treatment of how to do yoga postures(yoga asanas) using anatomically precise terminology, and for correlations with medical science, an objective analysis of how those postures are realized in some great systems of the body. In that regard, special emphasis is placed on the musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems—the musculoskeletal system because that is where all our actions are expressed, the nervous system because that is the residence of all the managerial functions of the musculoskeletal system, the respiratory system because breathing is of such paramount importance in yoga, and the cardiovascular system because inverted postures cannot be fully comprehended without understanding the dynamics of the circulation. Most of the emphasis is practical—doing experiments, learning to observe the body, and further refining and observations. The discussion is intended for an audience of yoga teachers, health professionals, and anyone else who is interested in exploring some of the structural and functional aspects of hatha yoga. The work can also serve as a guide for students of alternative medicine who would like to communicate with those who place their faith more strictly in contemporary science. To help everyone in that regard I’ve included only material that is generally accepted in modern biomedical sciences, avoiding comment on non-physical concepts such as prana, the nadis, and the chakras, none of which are presently testable in the scientific sense, and none of which have obvious parallels in turn-of-the-millennium biology. The book begins with an introductory discussion of some basic premises that set philosophical tone and suggest a consistent mental and physical approach to postures. Ten chapters follow, the first three fundamental to the last seven. Chapter 1 summarizes the basic principles of the anatomy and physiology of hatha yoga. Breathing is next in chapter 2 since the manner in which we breathe in hatha yoga is important for expediting movement and posture. Breathing is followed by pelvic and abdominal exercises in chapter 3 for three reasons: many of those exercises use specialized methods of breathing they are excellent warm-ups for other postures, and the pelvis and abdomen form the foundation of the body. Standing postures will then be covered in chapter 4 because these poses are so important for so important for beginning students, and because they provide a preview of backbending forward bending, and twisting postures, which are covered in detail in chapters 5, 6, 7. The headstand and shoulderstand, including a brief introduction to cardiovascular function, are included in chapters 8 & 9. Postures for relaxation and meditation are treated last in chapter 10.
  • ANATOMY OF HATHA YOGA -A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners (by H. David Coulter)


    The origins of this book ddte from twenty-five years ago when I was teaching various neurosience, microscopic anatomy, and elementary anatomy courses in the Department of Cell Biology and Neuroanatomy at the University of Minnesota.(MOTILAL BANARSIDASS)


    The Caraka Samhita stands top of the ancient texts representing the School of Medicine in Ayurveda founded by the great Scholar-Sage Punarvasu Atreya.


  • COMPLETE BOOK OF YOGA . Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, BY THE VETERAN SWAMI VIVEKANANDA


    Yoga, India’s significant contribution to world culture, is generally regarded as limited to the physical exercises called Asanas—aimed at keeping oneself haelthy—but it is much more than these. There are four major Yogas, each catering to one kind of human variety, yet at realisationof Truth. Karma Yoga — is meant for the vast majority of average human being. Bhakti Yoga — comes easy to those whose emotional side is ever flowing. Raja Yoga — is for the educause of its thoroughly, & goes well with them because of its thoroughly developed system. Jnana Yoga — is for that miniscule section which regards it self as intellectual & keeps questioning even self evident things. They help in furthering every thought as well as system. Yoga is basically psycho-philosophical & scientific & has little of sectarian or religious in it. Vivekanada was the first modern teacher who presented & promoted these in the West. In fact it was his chief tool which influenced his audience & disciples most. The present collection of all the four yogas in his understand the subject in its totality & comprehensiveness.
  • FOURCHAPTERS ON FREEDOM (Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) BY Swamt Satyananda Saraewati


    INTRODUCTION:- Two pandits entered the ashram to attend satsang. It was a cool, refreshing evening & large mat had been laid out on the lawn. The pandits were the first to the guru’s seat. Soon many other people arrived & whan the guru took his seat, the satsang began. Initially, the satsang was concerned with asana, pranayama & other yogic practices, but after some time the pandits said to the guru, “We’ve come here to discuss more important things; we have come to ask you about the philosophical implications of samadhi according to Patanjali”. The debate began. One pandit insisted. “Asamprajnata samadhi is surely the same as nirbeeja samadhi.” The other disagreed, “No, no you are totally wrong, they are different.” Each began to quote widely from various scriptures to prove their point of view & soon they were having quite a furious argument. SUTTA 1: Introduction to yoga. Atha yoganusaanam…. Atha: now therefore; yoga(regarding) yoga; anusasnam complete instructions. Now, therefore, complete instructions regarding yoga. Atha: We shall pause & try to find out why the author has used the world atha. He could have used atra yoganu-shasanam, which means, ‘have are instructions on yoga’, but he used the word atha. By this, it is meant that those instructions on yoga which follow will become intelligible, fruiful & also palatable to those whose hearts are pure & whose minds are at reat, otherwise not, those who have impure minds & wavring tendencies will not be able to practise what has been instructed in this shastra. Therefore, the word atha has been used in other to emphasize the necessity of qualifying oneself in karma yoga, bhakti yoga & other preparatory sysems. Yoga: The meaning of yoga follows in a subsequent sutra. Anushasanam: The actual word is shasanam, anu being a prefix to emphasize its completeness. Shasan is a word which means giving a ruling, command, order, instruction. The word shastra is developed from the word shasan. Shastra does not literally mean scripture. Shastra literally means a process of insructions & rulings. From the same word, another word has evolved-Ishwara, meaning ruler, governor, commander, & which is commonly used for God.


    A detailed commentary on Sage Patanali’s Yoga Sutras establishing YOGA BEYOUD ASANAS in his scipture Ashtanga Yoga INTRODUCTION:- WHAT IS YOGA? 1.The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning to bind, join, attach & yoke, to direct & concentrate one’s attention on, to use apply. It also means union or communion. It is the true union of our of our will with the will of God. 2.IS YOGA A MEANS OR AN END? It is both is the process of taking us back home to our un-obscured true nature. Hence it is a means. Yoga is a state of Union. Hence it is the end. 3. IT YOGA A SCIENCE? Yoga is a science. It is not a vague, dreamy drifting or imagining topic. It is an applied science, a systematized collection of laws applied to bring about a definite end. It takesw up the laws of psychology, applicale to unfolding of the whole consciousness of man on every plane, in every world, & applies those rationally in a particular case. This rational application of the laws of unfolding consciousness acts exactly on the same principles that you see applied around you every day in other departments of science. 4. Is Yoga a religion? Is Yoga Hinduism? No. Yoga has nothing to do with religion. It is a systematic method of understanding one’s true self. Yoga accepts that God as a special person can be used by the seeker in sceking liberation. yoga is not Hinduism, as it is commonly known as. 5. IT YOGA A PHILOSOPHY? NO, it is not, in the sense of being a hypothesis. Instead it embodies mostly a practical do it yourself type of insturctions. 6. Is Yogs metaphysical? No, It does not bother about distant questions about lives, heaven & hell or God or Satan. Yoga is concerned with the ‘Now’, with the current problem caused by ignorance, called mind. It gives practical ways to avoid mental modifications so that perception becomes clear, so that one obtains freedom from bonding duality. 7. What is Patajiali Yoga about? Patanjali’s Yoga is essentially related to the mind & its modifications. It deals with training of the mind to achieve oneness with the Self. Incidental to this objective are the acquisition of siddhis of power. 8. What is the aim of Patanjalai Yoga? The aim of PatanjlaiYoga is to set man from the cage of matter, thus removing his ignorance. Mind is the hishest form of matter & man frred from this dragnet of chitta or Ahamkara (mind or ego) becomes apure being. The mind or Chitta is said to operate at two levels; intellectual & emotional. The aim is liberation. 9. Is Patajali Yoga & Hatha Yoha same? Some of the eight aspects (Ashtanga) like Asana & Pranayama that Patanjali prescribes as part of the steps towards spiritual progress, constitute a important part of Patanjali Yoga Sutras. These parts are so important that a whole branch of specialized knowledge has sprung up out of these two important aspects. That is what is now referred to as Hatha Yoga 10. What do we know about Patanjali? He lived a few millenniums before Gautam Buddha, & was a great philosopher. His best known work is Yoga Sutras or Aphorisms on Yoga. The path outlined is called Raja Yoga or the sovereigan path. It is so called because of the regal, noble method by which the self is united with the over self. 11. Is patanjali the originator of Yoga? Patanjali was not the author of Yoga. He has only commpiled & reformulated what was already orally given down the generations for centuries. He was the first to reduce the teachings to writing for the use of students & rightly so he is regarded as the founder of Raja Y 12. Is Yoga sutras a sermon? No. It is no preaching either. It is just a set of principles & dictums which when practised & followed lead the aspirant to the state of Union. 13. What is “Sutra’? Sutra means thread. Sutra in this context could be interpreted as a terse link or thread of essential points. These “threads” are extremely terse, stating concisely, & often concisely & precisely, essential points of yechniques. 14. In which language were the Sutras written? The yoga Sutras of patanali were originally weitten in Sanskrit which is an Indo-European language. Sankrit is the Indo-European languages still in active use. 15. Which are the early commentaries written on Patanjali Yoga?
  • HINDU MIND Fundamentals of Hindu Rrligion & Philosophy for All Ages (by BANSI PANDIT)


    Himduism is the oldest surviving religion in the world. The religious & philosophical literature of Hin-duism is vast diverse & covers thousands of years of accumulated spiritual experiences of Hindu Saints & Seers. This book presents the fundamentals Hindu reilgious & philosophical thought in a l-ogical & straightforward manner. The purpose being, to create a stroy book for further stody of hinduism. Hinduism, the religion of Hinduism (originally known as Sanatana Dharma), is the oldest surviving religion in the world. Unlike other religions of the world, Hinduism did not originate from a single person, a single book, ro at a single point in time. The religions & philosophical literature of Hindu r-eligion is vast, diverse, & covers thousandsof years of accumulated spiriual experiences of a lar-ge number of Hnidu sages & saints. Therefore, it is difficult, almost impossible, for a beginner to k-now where to star to learn about Hindu religion without screening volumes of literature.


  • Kriya Yoga Sutras of Patanjali & the Siddhas (Translation, Commentary & Practice) By M. Govindan


    PATANJALI refers to his yoga as ''Kriya Yoga'': the ''yoga of action with awareness''. His Yoga-Sutras are universally considered to be among the two or three most important texts in the field of yoga.


    India is the home of philosophy, religion & spirituality. It is the birthplace of some of the most renowned religions of the world which spoke of the purpose of life & of God in different languages & showed various paths to salvation. A few non-Inidan religions which entered India at various points of history brought in a new line of thought & significant contribution to the enrichment of spiritual environments. In the midst of growing number of religions, India produced spiritual masters of exceptionally high order who proclaimed that all religions were true, if followed in the right & that they all lead to the same goal. “Major Religions in India” given a thumb-nail sketch of the origin, growth, beliefs, scriptures, shrines, traditions & practices of SIX major religions, namely, HINDUISM: The religions of infinite abaptabillty & diversity. ISLAM: The religion of submission to God. CHRISTIANITY: The religion of the fatherhood of God & the brotherhood of man. SIKHISM: The religion of the divine grace, harmony & sacrifice. JAINISM: The religion of asceticism. BUDDHISM: The religion of peaceful, ethical self-culture. The book is informative. It brings out positive aspects of these religions with a view to promoting among their followers & others a respect for & an understanding of each other’s faith. The most dominant religion in India today is Hinduism. It is also the most ancient of living religions of the world having its origin in pre-historic times. About 80.5% of Indians are Hindism. Around 500 BC two other religions developed in India, namely, Buddhosm & Jainism. Today about 040% of Indians are Jaini & about 067% are Buddism. Buddism spread not only within the Indian sub-continent but also to kingdoms east & south of India. One comparativly new religion in India is Sikhism which was estalished in the 15th century. About 1.84% of Indians are Sikhs.


    The Art & Science of Raja Yoga contains fourtee lessons in which the original yoga science emerges in all of its glory- a proven system for realizing one's spiritual destiny. This is the most comprehensive course understanding of how to apply these age-old teachings; on apractical, day-to-day level in this moderm age.
  • THE DISCOVER OF INDIA (by JAWAHARLAL NEHRU)with an introduction by Khilnani


    This book was written by me in Ahmadnagar Fort prison during the five months, April to September 1944. Some of my colleagues in prison were good enough to read the manuscript & m-ake a number of valuable suggestions. On revising the book on prison I took advantage of these s-uggestions & made some additions. On one, Ineek hardly add, is responsible for what I have writt-en or necessarily agrees with it. But I must express my deep gratitude to my fellow-prisoners in Ahmadnagar Fort for the unnumerable talks & discussions we had, which helped me greatly to c-lear my own mind about various aspects of Indian history & culture. Prison is not a pleasant place to live in even for a short perion, much less for long years. But it was a privilege for me to live in close contact with men of outstanding ability & culture & a widehuman outlook which even the passions of the moment did not obscure.
  • THE SUPREME YOGA (A new translation of the Yoga Vasistha) volume 1 & 2 {SWAMI VENKATESANANDA}


    The Yoga Vasistha is a unique work of Indian philosophy and is highly respected for its practical mysticism. These teachings of Sage Vasistha imparted to Lord Rame, contion the true understanding about the creation of the word. The Supreme Yoge, with Romanised text, is a translation into English of this complete work and is accompanied by brief expositions by Swami Venkatesananda.
    2vol Set Rs 450/=


    Tantra is a holistic approach to the study of the universal from the point of view of the indivdual. It draws on all the sciences to provide a practical means of realizing the highest ideals of philosoph- y in daily life. Tantric yantras are precise geomeric forms that have been used for centuies as tools for self-re-lization & the attainment of mystical powwers. Until recently the actual forms & colors of yantras, as well as their practical & spiritual applications, were largely lost to the modern. Harish Johari, accomplished artist, sculptor, Tantric practitioner & scholae, travelled throughout India in search of ancient examples of the primordial yantras. In Tools for Tantra he has re-create-d their exact colors & proportions along with step-by-step instructions for the accurate consruc-tion, coloring, & use of yantras.
  • The Hatha Yoga Pradipika


    Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the one book that has estabished itself as the classic work on Hatha Yoga deaws on sage Svatmarama;s own experience & older works. Here is a book written for the student of Yoga, translated in English by Brian Dana Akers for you.
  • The Yoga- System of Patanjali


    Goal of Concentration 1-4. Yoga is the concentration which the fluctuations. Freed from them, the Self attains to self-expression. i. 1Now the exposition of yoga {is to be made}. i.2 Yoga is the restriction of the fluctuation of mind-stuff. i.3 Then the Seer {that is, the Self} abides in himself. i. 4 At other times it {the Self} takes the same form as the fluctuations [of mind-stuff]
  • The Yoga-System of Patanjali




    'Yoge and Ayurveda' together form a complete approach for optimal health, vitality and higher awareness. Yoga and Ayurveda reveals to us the secret powers of the body, breath, senses, mind and chakras. More importantly it unfolds transformational methods to work on them through diet, herbs, asana, pranayam and meditation. (M.B. DASS)
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