Maa Anandmayi's book collection
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Chronicling his stays in Indin from 1958-1962 & 1972-1973, Swami Kriyananda shares inspiration from his visits to many saints, including Anandamayee Ma, Yogi Ramiah (Sri Rama Yogi), Swami Muktanand, SwamiNarayan& Sathya Sai Baba.
The book ''Who is this Shamachurn'' forms the last of the trilogies on Shamachurn, the Fountion-Head of Kriyayoga, the first beimg ''Purana PurushaYogiraj Sri Shamachurn Lahiree'' , an authentic biography on Shamachurn, the annotation of one hundred ''Shamachurn Kriyayoga and Non-Duality'' an annotation of hundred quotation of Lahiree Mahasaya.
359/= H.P
Paul Brunton, a British Journalist, has, in book A Search in Secret India, stated about Baba as under-
THESE PAGES CONTAIN AN EXPOSTION OF THE - hidden meanings in the Bhagavad Gita as they were explained by my great Guru, Paramhans Yogananda, and (before him) by his line of gurus. The reader today is confronted by an almost bewildering array of translations and commentaries on the Bhagavad Giya. The very universality of that scripture invitfs peoole to see it in terms of their own diverse approaches to truth. Those who by nature are primarily active find wise guidance in the Gita for how to act in such a way as to free themselves of emoyional involvement in this world.
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