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  • The Life of Eknath (by JUSTIN E . ABBOTT


    Among the saints of India the contribution of the Maratha sainta is of immense importance. The saints of Maharashtra are nore popular because they accompliahed ahigh degree of reconciliation between worldly and spiritual life. But as they wrote or spoke in Marathi, the knowledge of what they wrote or spoke became restricted to Marathi readers.-----------------------(M.B.DASS. P .P. Lim--cloth.270/=& Paper. 190/=)
    270/=& 190/=
  • The Magnanimous, Ubiquitous and Universal Mother Shree Ma Anandamayee (By MR. SHUDDHA SATTA CHAKRAVARTY )


    “ Nikhila Vyapika Ma”*********************************** The present work brings together the follow-ups of my very close association with Shree Shree Ma Anandamayee and of the reaction of each to the influence of Her superb personality. Her exposure was majestic, effortless and spontaneous at every stage. I had the humble privilege of privilege of being in contact with Her since I was a school going kid. This book contains a sincere expression of my views on Her Majesty and some of it has indeed been a frank outpouring of Her life and character. This is as it should have been. For it hardly becomes us children ae we are, to analyze and dissect our Mother, nor is is possible for us, crying ourselves for light in the darkness of night, to shed any light on Her. My work has been throughout very authentic effort to bring in limelight the “Supreme THAT” in Shree Ma. Gautama, the Buddha in subsequent age spoke in the same strain saying only few people understood him properly and adequately. That Mother’s life, even Her earliest life, should abound in extraordinary incidents in not surprising- we are accustomed to such incidents in the lives of genuine saints, mystics and yogins. They exist and have their place of honor in their lives but all these pale into insignificance before the wonderful poise and bliss of Her sweet but magnificent personality—a personality which strong as it is, blends into the Impersonal, nay is utterly undifferentiated from it. It is well known that the illumination and liberation of saints and mystics presuppose and earlier stage of ignorance and bondage, followed usually by a period of aspiration, personal exertion and austerities. This stage is usually in the present life itself, or in exceptional cases, in a pre-natal state of existence. But in the case of Mother, such a prior state of ignorance never existed at all. The possibility of an ante – natal embodied existence is ruled out on Mother’s definite assurances that Her life is not subject to the laws of natural causation and that She has no prior life to account for Her present existence in Her pre-marital and early post- marital life was, nothing more than playful representation of self imposed discipline in which She condescended to take part merely as a matter of sport. It had no meaning for Her subsequent life any way. Mother had no experience of gloom in Her life. It is said that from Her very birth She was aware of what She had ever been and what She would always continue to be and that there was no possibility of a deviation from Her self – conscious stature for a single moment. Her Self—knowledge, we are assured, did not arise under the impact of an extrinsic element out side Herself—it was always with Her, being a state of Her nature. It was there always in its fullness, requiring no effort on Her part, nor any grace from above, to bring it into greater perfection. Ma Anandamayi can be identified definitely with the Supreme Brahman. New, what is the nature of the Self- knowledge which was innate with Mother? It is clear from what has been said above that though self knowledge, on the analogy of lower Knowledge, has its roots within, its exciting cause is usuallyoutside as it is initiated by forces working us. But it may also be, as already pointed out, due to initiation from within, in which case the external agencies would be no more than propagating forces. History records instances of illumination of both these types. The Divine Grace is the most important factor, not only in the awakening of religious consciousness in man but also in its subsequent development in him till the union with the Divine is accomplished. Granting this as a necessary pre condition of active spiritual life, what is needed in ordinary cases is the operation of a mediating factor through which such Grace may become accessible to man. For the bodily and the mental mechanism of an average individual is not capable of bearing the strain involved in the direct transmission of Divine Grace. As a rule God’s Grace is said to act on a receptive vehicle free from contact with matter, i.e. on unembodied soul in per—creational state. But if the soul in the process of creative evolution happens to take on a body of impure matter it can no longer received grace directly from the Divine source, but receives it only through a medium. This medium would be an embodied being whose body may be of exclusive pure matter or of pure matter mixed with impure. Barring the immaculate bodies of the heavenly brotherhood entrusted with the guardianship of the world and with the take of imparting knowledge in the beginning of creation. We have to consider in this context the hierarchy of Teaching consisting of three well know groups: (Ogha, viz, Divya, Siddha and Manava.) The Divya or celestial and manava or human correspond loosely to the Daiva and Paurusa. Between thses two the Agamas place the Siddha or superhuman group. This medium serves that purpose of an Acharya or Guru to the uninitiated seekers after Knowledege.
    Rs 125/=


    TOWARDS UNIFICATION OF QUANTUM MECHANICS & GENERAL RELATIVITY Tlthough difficult to comorehend in the first reading, both to people in the east and west trained in the modern methods of learning, this book leaves an undeliable marks and impressiona that there is something unique and novel that needs to be pursued.The book lays down an altenativeborignal framework and template for enquiry of human mind.(MOTILAL BANARSDASS)


    The Book fulfils the long felt need of Shree Anandmayi Ma's Philosophy. It is based upon the most authentic sources the revelationthat occured spontaneously in the life of Shree Ma and answer she gave in response to the question put before her.
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