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THE SIX CENTRES & THE SEROENT POWER:- INTRODUCTION** THE two Sanskrit works here translated—Shat-chakra-nirupana (“Description of the Six Centres, or Chakra”) & Paduka-Panchaka (“Fivefold Footstool”)—deal with a particular form to Tantrik Yoga named Kundalini Yoga, or as some works call it, Bhuta-shuddhi. These names refer to the Kundalini Shakti, or Supreme Power in the human body by the arousing of which the Yoga is achieved, & to the purification of the Elements of the body (Bhuta-shuddhi) which takes place upon that event. This Yoga is effected by a process technically known as Shat-chakra-bheda, or piercing of the six Centres or Regions (Chakra) or Lotuses (Padma) of the body (which the work describes) by the agency of Kundalini Shakti, which, in order to give it an Enhlish name, I have here called the Serpent Power.1 Kundala means coiled. The power is the Goddess (Devi) Kundalini, or that which is coiled; for Her form is that of a coiled & sleeping serpent in the lowest bodily centre, at the base of the spinal column, until by the means described She is aroused in that Yoga which is named after Her. Kundalini is the Divine Cosmic Energy in bodies (u.post). the Saptabhumi, or seven regions (Lokas), are, as popularly understood, an exoteric presentment of the inner Tantrik teaching regarding the seven centres.
500/=The Snaskrit Language: An Overview (History and structure, linguistic and philosophical representations, uses and users) by Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat
Other Religion Books
225/= (218x142mm.,P.B 136pgs.)The World As Power {Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avaion) }
Other Religion Books
The present book is the first of a series which Ihope to be able to complete, explaining succinctly some general philosophical principles of the Doctrine of Sakti or Power from the Sakta Vedanta standpoint.
250/=The Yoga of the 18 Siddhas An Anthology (Edited by T.N GANAPATHY)
Other Religion Books
The Yoga of the Eighteem Siddhas: An Anthology should be studied by every serious student of Yoga & Tantra as well as scholars & philosophers. It contains the revolutionary statements of those great men & women who have reached the furthest heights of human, & who left behind a roadmap for the rest of us. The “Eighteen Yoga Siddhas” is a tradition referred to in the ancient Tamil language & literature. Its illustrious members traveled all over the world, had extremely long lives & performed what most of us would consider being miracles. They did not like to be autobiographical, preferring to identify themselves with that deathless jivatma, being-consciousness-bliss. Consequently changed bodies as easily as we change clothes, when necessary, laughing at the limitations of ordinary humans. They were not only mystics in the truest sense, but revolutionaries against human nature, & they envisioned & embodied Divinity, as a result of tremendous efforts of self-mastery & self-surrender to their God-head. They left behind their teachings in the form of poems, written on palm leaves, or edus. These works have been badly neglected by scholars to date because of the difficulty in deciphering them. The Siddhas wrote in what has been referred to as a “twilight language,” to obscure the meaning from all but the most sincere students, & prompting the reader to seek the deepest meaning within themselves. A CURTAIN RAISER:- A Preliminary Survey:- The study of the literature of the Siddhas of South India has largely been ignored by modern researchers. To date, no systematic & scientific study of the works of the “Eighteen Siddha ” tradition, as it is known from Tamil literature, has been performed. David Gordon white’s The Alchemical body, review of the Sanakrit texts written by Siddhas in northern areas of India, while noteworthy, did not address the huge body of Tamil Siddha literature. The Siddha tradition is trans-regional & universal & contains great contributions to science, culture & civilizations.
750/=Upanisads Retold (V.H. DATE) Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers New Delhi
Other Religion Books
In this book, the author has provided a free rendering of Upanisads in a simple and forceful style. He has presented their main ideas, of which he displays a firm grasp, in an intelligent and easily assimilable manner. This is not a mere translation, but as author has explained and commented on them, are also providing an interpretaion of their philosophy.
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