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About This Book:- No saint or sage in the history of the world has such a prolific literary output to his credit, in addition to the building up of a world-wide organization. Even dynamic political leaders have confessed often that the exigencies of administration keep them away from literary pursuits. It is only Sri Swami Sivanandali Maharaj who has been able to keep a continuous flow of spiritual literature, in spite of being busily engaged in the administration of the Divine Life Society. The secret, according to him, lies in his being able to switch his mind on, at will, from one task to another, without the least difficulty, & with great advantage. Sri swami Sivanandaji’s writings are characteristic in being free from the rigid technical nomenclature & the austere logic usually met with in texts dealing with super-mundane matters & in thus accessible even to the most non-intellectual type of aspirants. This beautiful production is a joyous hand-book to one & all in their daily life, which instructs like a philosopher, coaxes like a mother, & makes like a friend. A page from this book cannot go without seriously benefiting its reader. We have no doubt that it will illumine many a soul that seeks Light. CONTENTS:- Chapter One:**Revelation of the Mysterious of Life Divine……………………. Chapter Two:-**The Divine Avenue Is Revealed………………………………………………….. Chapter Three:-**Revelation of Universal Yoga…………………………………………………… Chapter Four:-**Revelation of Secrets for Succes………………………………………………… Chapter Five:-**Divinity & its Attainment……………………………………………………………. Chapter Six:-**Revelation of the Purpose of Life…………………………………………………… Chapter Seven:-**Revelation of the Fountain of Bliss……………………………………………. Chapter Eight:-**Revelation of the Supreme Unity………………………………………………… Chapter Nine:-**Revelation of the Eternal Truth……………………………………………………. Chapter Ten:-**Revelation of the Imperishable………………………………….......................... Chapter Eleven:-**Revelation of the Hidden Treasures…………………………………………… Chapter Twelve:-**Revelation of the Immanence of God………………………………………….. Chapter Thirteen:-**Revelation of the Divine Source………………………………………………. Chapter Fourteen:-**Revelation of Godhead…………………………………………………………
ABOUT THIS BOOK:- To inspire, to awaken & to guide the seekers after Truth & God-realisation, has been the unique life-work of the great sage, Swami Sivananda. He has given us certain working methods, in as much as practical ways & means are more to be attended to, rather than theory. The spiritual life is to be built upon & sustained by three important supports, i.e,. a well-conceived ideal, a definite programme of life & a background of thought. For any of us, to proceed upon the spiritual life, the first requisite naturally goes without saying is that the individual should have an ideal. He should want something definite, he should aim at getting something concrete. The second requisite is a well-laid & will-regulated plan of procedure of programme. After having conceived of the ideal which the aspirant wants to reach, as haphazard procedure will not only take him nowhere but will also mean a fruitless waste to his precious energies, he should chalk out a definite & well-marked programme. A well-conceived ideal & a definite programme of life & then a concrete background of thought to sustain him in his struggle to work out that programme—these are the three requisites which Swami Sivananda has advocated. To sum up, in order to tread the path of spiritual life: (1) let the aspirant conceive of an ideal; (2) let him put up a general programme of life; (3) let him have Abhyasa & Vairagya & (4) let him take to a background of thought into which he can take refuge at times of external stress. And for all this help of this book is most invaluable, it is in fact, the greatest boon that we could offer to the aspirant-world. There is no aspect of Sadhana which has not been dealt with, no path which has not been presented, & not point of guidance that the aspirant’s peculiar difficulties need, which has not been elaborately dealt with. INTRODUCTORY A SURVEY OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE ANCIENT INDIA SPIRITUAL TECHNIQUES:-Hinduism, through the passage of several centuries, has come in for diverse criticisms & been subject to a wide range of different opinions. It has had praise in plenty & disparagement in plenty, too. There are those who praise its wisdom & there are quite as many, too who would regard Hinduism as a mast of out-dated superstition accumulated by a race of illiterate & uncultured people. And religion being the main governing influence with the Hindu, he is superstition bound & has consequently remained backward when other people have progressed by leaps & bounds. The bove charge is supported by statistics on literacy, knowledge of hygiene, sanitation, science, psychology, etc. The Hindu race gets ‘fail’ marks in such ultra-modernistic ‘efficiency test’ that scientific minds of today would conduct. It seems as though centuries of culture, development, study & research have not gained much of the Hindu in the shape of knowledge of this grand universe of countless things which are visible before us. Yes, to a great extent this is so, & more wonder, the true Hindu does not seem to regret greatly that it is so. This is so far a special reason, & this reason it is that dorms the distinctive quality of the Hindu genius, marking it out as completely different from the enlightened scientific of the Twentieth Century. The reason is this:the Hindu mind is assured that the invisible is the real. His scientific curiosity & thirst for knowledge (he has his full measure of this) is diverted the realm of invisible things. The grosser & the more external the things, the lesser is its value to the seeking Hindu. The Hindu may be seriously suffering from the baneful results of ‘blind-faith’, yet he had no such faith in wasting his precious life & faculties in research into things which he was convinced are absolutely transitory, evanescent. But, on the other hand the Hindu has spared himself no pains to get at the thing that is permanent, imperishable; that is true. He has brought to bear all his wisdom, his keen observation, his powerful logic, deep research & searching analysis & scientific calculation in his all out attempt to pierce beyond the veil of passing appearance & to come face to face with the Truth, the Eternal Fact. The Hindu lavished his genius upon this field which he regarded as worth his while, as it was concerned with eternal values. Al other territory he considered it idle to waste too much effort upon; for to him it seemed absurd to run too seriously after shadows. Such labours of out ancient stalwarts resulted in the evolution of the marvelous system of Yoga for realizing the Truth. The Yoga Sadhanas constitute the practical methodology for the great attainment. These Sadhanas are the outcome of the deepest psychological research. This psychology is not merely that of the mind but is something more. It is a supramental psychology. Spiritual psychology is the term by which I would prefer to refer to it.
INTRODUCTION:- Mahabharata—the very mention of the name gives a the ill of holy ideas. This is a great epic heroic poem. It contains the essence of all scripturec. It is an encyclopaedia of ethics, knowledge, politics, religion, philosophy & Dharma. If you cannot find anything here, you cannot find it anywhere else. It contains one hundred thousand verses. It contains eighteen Parvas or sections, viz., Adi Parva, Sabha Parva, Virata aparva, Udyoga Parva, Bhishma Parva, Drona Parva, Salya Parva, Sauptika Parva, Sthree Parva, Santi Parva, Anusasana Parva, Asvamedha Parva, Asramavasika Parva, Mausala Parva, Mahaprasthanika Parva & Svargarohanika Parva. Each parva contains many sub-Parvas or sub-sections. This wonderful book was composed by Sri Vyasa (Krishna Dvaipayana) who was the grandfather of the heroes of the epic. He taught the epic to his son Suka & his disciples Vaisampayana & others. King Janamejaya, son of Parikshit, the grandson of the heroes of the epic, performed a great sacrifice. The epic was recited by Vaisampayana to Janamejaya at the command of Vyasa. Later on Suta recited the Mahabharata as was done by Vaisampayan’a to Janamejaya, to Saunaka & others, during a sacrifice performed by Saunaka in Naimisaranya, which is near Sitapur in Uttar Pradesh. The Svayamvara of Draupadi, the coronation of Yudhishthira, the game of dice, the forest life of the Pandavas, the fight between Arjina & Karna, between Arjuna & Bhishma, the speecher of the warriors in the council of war, are amazing. They command the admiration of the readers & produce an indelible impression in their mind. It is very interesting to remember the opening & closing lines of this great epic. It begins with: “Vyasa sang of the ineffable greatness & splendor of Lord Vasudeva, who is the source & support for everything, who is eternal, unchanging, self-luminous, who is the Indweller in all beings, & of the truthfulness & righteousness of the Pandavas.” It ends with: “With raised hands, I shout at the top of my voice, but alas, no one hears my works which can give them Supreme Peace, Joy & Eternal Bliss. One can attain wealth & all objects of desire though Dharma (righteousness). Why do not people practice Dharma? One should not abandon Dharma at any cost, even at the risk of his life. One should not relinquish Dharma out of passion or fear or covetousness or for the sake of preserving one’s life. This is the Bharata Gayatri. Meditate on this daily, O man! when you retire to sleep & when you rise from your bed every morning. You wil attain everything. You will attain glory, fame, prosperity, long life, eternal bliss, everlasting peace & immortality.” The Mahabharata, the most renowned epic of India, is the only book of its kind in the whole world. It contains countless stories besides the main episode—the Mahabharata—which teach moral lessons or illustrate distinguishing characterstics of the ancients of India. It contains the history of ancient India & all the details of its political, social & religious life. The stories, songs, nursery tales, anecdotes, parables, the discourses & sayings contained in this epic are marvelous & highly instructive. It contains the brilliant records of mighty heroes, warriors of great prowess, deep thinkers, profound philosophers, sages & ascetic & devoted wives of chastity. The beauty & charm of the language is extremely striking & attractive.
This book is univvesally acclaimed as a masterpiece of Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, whose incomparable works on Yoga & Vednata have been the guiding lights of seekers after Truth all over the world. Sri Swami Sivanandaji, by his precept & practice, has paved the wayfor not only the great goal of Self-realisation but success in life, here & now. A deep study of this volume would compel every reader to put the precept into daily practice: such is the power of Swamiji's persuasion. Such stu-dy & practice would undoubtedly bestow on the deeker great peace & prosperity, health & happi-ness, & eventually, liberation from birth & death. In the wake of a persistent & growing demand for this remarkable guide-book from spiritual seeke-rs of the East & the West, we are releasing this edition. May it inspire many thirsting souls is our humble prayer.
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