Maa Anandmayi's English Books
The genaleman questions, “Why is our goal not achieved by the Guru mantra ?” Ma answered, “Why is it not achieved ? Di you not know ? We swallow medicnes but do not regulate our diet nor take necessary precautons. Therefpre the medicined are ineffective & the disease persists. When the medicine given by the guru is available, we must also observe the necessary regulations. That is to say, our diet & exercise should a;so be congenial. After all, everything is wlithin you oneness, many-ness, infinity, the unmnai- fest & the manifest.” The gentleman said, “Ma, the mind is very restless.” Ma said, “Just as restlessness is its nature, so also is stability. The mind wants its mother – that is Complete Bliss. Therefore, do you not observe that though the worldly person offers its innumerable enjoyments, it is not satiated & runs hither & thither. Restlessness woll never cease, it is restless for God. Until it gets God, it cannot find peace. As soon as the mind finds Him, it becomes calm.’’ The gentleman remarked, “I have never heard such a view point before. Today I have learnt a great lesson.” Ma joined her palms & said, “You have given the less- on.” The gentleman did pranam to Ma & took leave. We tried to feed Ma. She ate a tiny morsel & then said, “I have not walked about at all today – I have been sitting since then without a break.” We calculated & realized the Ma had been sitting at the same spot for the last ten or twelve hours ! Ma joked about the matter & went for a stroll. We followed her. Around one a.m. Ma lay down to rest. Friday, March 1, 1937. As soon as Ma awoke, Sashi Babu took her to the sea shore to take photographs. A couple of gentlemen arrived & went to the see shore to meet her. Ma returned with them & went into the tent. A little later we called her out & fed her. She then ret- urned to the tent. The rules of the ‘Sacchidananda Game’ had not been finalised & were constantly changing. Now Ma decided to define them precisely & made Jyotish Dada note them down on paper. Then Ma sat with Bholanath, Jyotish Dada, Sashi Dada, Shankarananda & the boys & began playing the game. The game went on till one p.m.