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THE DAILY PRACTICE OF THE HINDUS:- A HINDU generally belonge to one of the five divisions of the Hindu Religion. He is either a Saiva or a Vaisnava or a worshipper of Ganapati or of Sakti or of Surya. Besides, among the Sama-Vedi Brahmanas & as in the Upper India among the Yajur-Vedis. One day night consists of 24 hours. It is divided into eight parts, each consisting of three hours, called Yama or Prahara. Half of this is called Yamardha or one hour & a half, which is the unit of calculation. The whole day & night is thus divided into 16 Yamardhas. The daily practice of a Hindu is shown in the following tagle:- 1. Morning duties :- 16th Yamardha. 4-30 A.M. to 6 A.M. (a) Awakeing, (b) Necessary washings & ablutions, (c) Sipping water of Acamana, (d) Cleansing & teeth, (e) Bathing & Tarpana, (f) Sandhya & Meditation. II. Forenoon duties :- 1st Yamardha. 6 A.M. to 7-30 A.M. Worship of the special Deity, Guru, etc. THE GURU & THE GURU STOTRA :- This word Guru is sometimes very vagucly employed both in Sanskrit & English to designate every kind of teacher. But strictly speaking, the word should be exclu- sively applied to the highest spirtual teacher of humanity,while the word Acharya & Upadhyaya may be reserved for indicating secular & semi-secular teacher. The Guru, therefore, to whom the Hindu ought really to render his homage, is the particular liberated soul, Jivanmukta—the person who has united his Lower to the Higher Self—who, though on the threshold of Nirvana, voluntarily renounces that privilege, in other to remain behind, to serve his lessadvanced brothers, & who would not enter & place of advanced peace, so long as a single sould of his Kalpa remans to be served. These glorious Beings—the Gurus—the Flowers of humanity—the Directors of human evolution & Savioure of mankind—are those whom Indina wisdom has named Jivanmuktas—free souls—Mahatmas—Great souls. They belong to no particular nationality of country, to no particular creed or sect . The conscio- usness of humanity has borne unanimous testimony to the existence of these Great Ones; for they have in all ages & climes been the guides & guardians of mankind & have ever drawn devoted, sincere, selfless aspirants to their presence. Thus a persian poet sings of them:- ON BATHING:- Then he should attend to the call of nature. If he lives in a village, he should go to a distance of 100 bows (200 yards) from the site, into a field in the south-west disection, & if he livesin a city, he should go to a distance four times the above, I,e., 800 yards, & answer the nature’s call, with his sacred thread resting on his ear or thrown in the form of a garlad behind his back. (Sri Satguru Publications)